

Our Service Department snow removal team members are trained and experienced at snow removal. Main streets are a priority and are plowed, salted – first, followed by the secondary mains, and then the side streets.


Useful tips

  • Do not park vehicles on streets or cul-de-sacs when snow exceeds 2”.
  • Do not shovel or push snow into or across the street, this can cause a traffic hazard.
  • The snow being pushed by the plow can be thrown quite far and is extremely heavy.
  • Please stay clear of the roadway when the plows are in your area.

Snow Removal from Driveways

The snow that falls in your driveway is yours to keep.

The Village of Newburgh Heights Ordinance 51351.03prohibits anyone from plowing snow across a street and onto a neighbor’s property. Make sure your contractor or person responsible for this task is well aware of this. Placing snow in the roadway causes a hazard for motorists and our removal crews.

For more information on snowplowing please call the Service Department at (216) 641-2714